Ketamine and Energy Work

“Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.   This is not philosophy, this is physics.” ~ Einstein

Ketamine therapy and mindset can be influenced by energy healing. Energy healing practices focus on the subtle flow of energy throughout the physical body and beyond. The human body is composed of atoms, which are essentially forms of energy. When energy becomes blocked, it can potentially manifest as physical or emotional ailments. We exist in a field of atoms that vibrate and move in an oscillating pattern. Frequency, measured in hertz (Hz), refers to the rate at which these vibrations and oscillations occur.

The higher the vibration of the atoms, the higher the frequency. Conversely, when energy is blocked, the frequency can become lower, which may contribute to various health issues. At Awaken, we offer optional energy work prior to your ketamine journey, incorporating light energy into the body along established energy pathways to help release blocks and restore smooth energy flow. However, personal change work is essential in conjunction with energy healing. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause of a block can prevent its recurrence and promote lasting change.

It is believed that a decrease in frequency vibration can contribute to disease manifestation. Some theories propose that disease first appears as an energy imbalance before it manifests physically in the body. By directing energy into the subtle bodies and rebalancing the chakras, we aim to help prevent this process and promote overall wellness.

People are accustomed to routine physical exams and health screenings, but they often overlook the importance of addressing their energetic body in preventative care. Your energetic body is an integral aspect of your overall health, and maintaining it is crucial for holistic well-being.

Hours: Monday – Friday and Some Saturdays (by appointment only).

75 Gilcreast Rd. Suite 303 • Londonderry, NH 03053

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